Saturn - 5 Oct 2003


Saturn is always a beautiful sight to my eyes. I can sit at Mira, my Lurie-Houghton telescope, and watch Saturn without tiring of it. I used the setup that I put together to photograph Mars to take this image on the Sunday morning of 5 October 2003. Having the JaZ Observatory made it easier than ever to capture this image.

I had my alarm clock wake me up at 3:30am and was back in bed by 5:30am after taking 16 thirty second videos with the ToUCam over the course of an hour. I pick 12 of the best videos and stripped the frames out to 'bmp' files. There were over 5400 frames! I deleted the bad frames and went through the remaining 1800 frames again leaving 1300 frames to use to create this image. Registax and Photoshop was used to align, stack, and process the images. Photograph by Rick Scott.

Rick Scott's Natural Images Home Page

Updated: 12 October 2003