This photo is my first attempt to photograph Saturn through my new 'old' Celestron C8 telescope the evening of 5 December 1997. I used an Olympus OM-3 camera with an eyepiece projection setup. The eyepiece focal length is 9.7mm with 32mm of extra extension on the camera to telescope adapter. The C8's focal length and f-ratio is 2000mm at f/10. The complete setup is like using a 17485mm f/87 lens!! Need I say that focusing at f/87 was an act of focusing for the best blur on the ground glass focusing screen. I used Fuji Super G 800 color negative film and scanned the image with a Nikon Coolscan LS-10. I then used Adobe Photoshop to average eight scans of the negative and adjust the gamma. Photograph by Rick Scott.
Updated: 25 May 1998