Here's a short animation that shows the motion of Comet Machholz (c/2004 Q2) as it moved through a small area in Perseus. I made this animation using Adobe ImageReady CS.
I took the photographs to make the eleven frames for this animation with my Canon EOS 20D digital camera attached to Mira, my 9.8" f/4.63 Lurie-Houghton telescope as the camera lens. The telescope was attached to a Losmandy G-11 equatorial mount in the JaZ Observatory at my home in central Arizona between 10:12pm and 11:07pm MST the evening of 15 January 2005. The exposure of each image was 90 seconds at f/4.63 with the camera set for ISO 100 in RAW mode. Adobe Photoshop CS was used to perform the RAW conversion and image processing. Photograph by Rick Scott.
Updated: 15 May 2005