Comet Machholz Animation - 15 Jan 2005


Here's a short animation that shows the motion of Comet Machholz (c/2004 Q2) as it moved through a small area in Perseus. I made this animation using Adobe ImageReady CS.

I took the photographs to make the eleven frames for this animation with my Canon EOS 20D digital camera attached to Mira, my 9.8" f/4.63 Lurie-Houghton telescope as the camera lens. The telescope was attached to a Losmandy G-11 equatorial mount in the JaZ Observatory at my home in central Arizona between 10:12pm and 11:07pm MST the evening of 15 January 2005. The exposure of each image was 90 seconds at f/4.63 with the camera set for ISO 100 in RAW mode. Adobe Photoshop CS was used to perform the RAW conversion and image processing. Photograph by Rick Scott.

Rick Scott's Natural Images Home Page

Updated: 15 May 2005