Dogwood Blossoms, Yosemite Valley, CA


In springtime, Yosemite Valley is beautifully decorated with the blossoming of the Dogwood tree. The large white blossoms can be found all around the valley. Many of the park signs even have a symbol of this blossom as a logo on them.

I did something very different as far as photography goes on this trip. I usually use my Olympus OM-3 cameras, but this time I left them home and rented an Olympus D-600L digital camera. After using this camera for a week in Yosemite under various lighting conditions and subjects, I have to say I have mixed feelings about it. Some of the images, such as this one, came out very nice, but most of the images were only average looking on the screen. This implies that prints made from them may not be even as good as a cheap point and shoot camera using film.

Surpisingly, this image was taken using the lowest quality mode of the camera, which has a raw resolution of 640 x 512, and applies fairly heavy compression before saving it to the removable memory pack. I used Adobe Photoshop to apply some tone correction and very mild sharpening. Photograph by Rick Scott.

Rick Scott's Natural Images Home Page

Updated: 25 May 1998