When I was living in California, I would visit Death Valley at least once a year if not more often. It's one of my favorite places on this planet. There are a large variety of landscapes due to the wide range of elevation in the national park. The low spot is 282 feet below sea level at Badwater and the high is 11,049 feet at the top of Telescope Peak. This photograph is one of the scenic views that can be seen from the Zabriskie Point area of the park. Hikes from Zabriskie Point down through the surrounding badlands can be a very isolating adventure. In a short time you end up in what seems to be an alien world. For this photograph I used my Olympus OM-3 camera with Kodachrome 64 film and scanned it with my Nikon LS-2000 film scanner. Photograph by Rick Scott.
Updated: 8 November 2003