Lurie-Houghton Telescope
Focuser and Finder on Unpainted Tube

PHOTO: Focuser and Finder on 
Unpainted Tube Equatorial Mount
In this photo you can see that I finally got my JMI NGF-DX1 focuser and Orion 8x50 finder scope mounted on the telescope tube. Visible inside the tube is one of the blower fans I'm going to use to keep the air mixed inside of the telescope. It is mounted behind the mounting ring used to hold the corrector at the front of the telescope. I'm mounting all of the various parts so I can get the holes in the tube before I paint it. This photo was taken 21 April 2000 with an Olympus D-600L digital camera.

Lurie-Houghton Telescope Home Page
Rick Scott's Natural Images Home Page

Updated: 2 July 2000